About Amanda

My name is Amanda Sauceda and I have been married to my most favorite person, BJ Sauceda, for 15 years. Together we have 3 children, who are each a gift that God has entrusted us with. I work with a local school district in Special Programs and find great joy in serving those around me in the workplace in that capacity. I am a homebody at heart and I absolutely love spending time with my family! When I am not at home, I love to go out and have coffee, go on dinner dates, and spend time with those I love! Before my life in Jesus, there were so many dark moments in my marriage and lifeā€¦BUT GOD who is so gracious and loving called me out of that grave and the rest is HIStory.

I have been a part of the Rio Life familia for over 10 years and I am so grateful to God for the eternal life I have in Jesus and for the body of Christ who has been vital in my life. I have served in different areas of the church including Sacraments Ministry, Youth Ministry, Social Media Ministry and most recently becoming the Secretary of the Governing Board, which I am faithfully looking forward to!

My hope for Rio Life is that we would constantly find ourselves in awe of God. That we would continue to move forward in life being Spirit-led, Kingdom-minded, intentional, and compassionate people.